VA Puget Sound Healthcare Updates Operating Room Floors
Flooring is an important aspect in healthcare and hospital environments, and perhaps most critical in operating rooms. When it was time for the VA Puget Sound Health Care facility in Seattle, WA to update the floors in their operating and X-Ray rooms, we were proud to partner with D Square Construction to create cost-effective flooring offering durability, longevity, and safety.
We chose a seamless flooring system that would stand up to the stringent safety and hygiene requirements of operating rooms. We installed General Polymers SofTop Decorative Flooring, a mortar system that combines flexible epoxy resin with rubber granule aggregate for added ergonomic comfort, and used AquArmor WBU topcoat, a water-based urethane that provides chemical, stain, and slip resistance, and a uniform flat finish. Because these floors are frequently cleaned and subject to harsh chemicals, selecting the right finish was important for our client; a smooth or low-texture finish keeps dust and dirt at bay and ensures cleaning is easy and effective.

The seamless flooring system is designed with comfort in mind: rubber granules provide additional ergonomic support for hospital workers.
Serving a critical role in hospitals, operating rooms typically operate around the clock. Because of this, we installed each room separately and used products with low VOCs, minimal vapors, and fumes, allowing the other surgical units to remain in use during construction. The floors cured overnight so services were able to resume immediately.
Understanding the unique needs of the space and our client were vital to the success of this project. Having a skilled crew able to complete the work according to schedule allowed the surgical wing to remain open and operating with minimal downtime during construction. The result was a beautiful, durable, and hygienic floors that will serve the VA hospital and its patients for years to come.