We appreciate you taking the time to provide us feedback and a testimonial for our service.
Thank you.
Please use this form to submit your testimonial. Please include what identifying information we can disclose: company name or industry, title or position and/or first name, city and state or region, or any combination of the aforementioned.
By submitting a testimonial you are authorizing Concrete Restoration, Inc to publish the attached testimonial in any of Concrete Restoration, Inc’s marketing materials, including, but not limited to, its websites, press releases and videos. No monetary compensation will be provided for submitting a testimonial. Concrete Restoration, Inc has the sole right to decide whether to use, or not to use, a testimonial and may summarize or shorten it as needed without creating a misleading impression of the provided views. You may terminate this agreement by giving us 30 days’ written notice of termination.
Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word versions of the Testimonial Submission Form and terms are available upon request by emailing [email protected].